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Monday, October 12, 2009

MusiMania (Interview)

The following is the transcript from a video interview with John Beauchamp, a.k.a. MusiM.  The interviewer asked for their name to be withheld and consequently, so has the video footage.
Interviewer:  So tell me about MusiM.  Where did the name come from?
John:  Nope.  Next question.
Interviewer:  Uh, okay.  Well then…  Uh…  How long have you been doing MusiM?
John:  Since I started writing music in high school.  The project went through several names.  Really it didn’t culminate until around 2003 or 2004 though.
Interviewer:  *cough* So what’s the idea behind the project?
John:  Everything really.  I’m not a fan of “make up a new band name for a style change”.  Change is the one constant of the world.  I don’t want listeners who expect me to re-write the same club track over and over.  If I don’t learn something new writing a song, then I’ll probably trash it.
Interviewer:  So tell us about your first album “Stories”.
John:  “Stories” is an atmospheric noise excursion, built as a soundtrack to a horror story I wrote.  A re-visioning/remixing of the song “Paths” is included on the C/Fe sampler.
Interviewer:  So I understand you have a new album coming out?
John:  Yes… “In the Worship of Monsters” is due out in the next month or two.  Completely different concept from “Stories”… It has a large range of styles from noise, to club, to down-tempo jazz and so on. There is no ultimate story connecting the tracks but there is an overall feel, idea, and progression of emotions.
Interviewer:  How did you come across C/Fe Records?
John:  The other bands on the label, which I’m a big fan of, contacted me and I brought my two bands in.
Interviewer:  Lets see…  *shuffles cards* Ah, so what inspires your writing process and what are your influences?
John:  Well…  I write one thing and then I write the next.  It’s never the same.  Often times a song is inspired by a conversation with a friend, a small aspect of a song or story I find intriguing.  And often the song is finished with even more influences.
Interviewer:  Do you have any musical background?
John:  Yup.
Interviewer:  *scoff* Well?  What is it?
John:  I was in church choir, took music theory, had lots of piano and guitar lessons, but really…  you learn the most by doing.  And I played a bunch of gigs and wound up learning some flamenco style strumming from a bluegrass banjo player.  That satisfy you?
Interviewer:  Uh… Sure…  Now tell me about the tracks on the C/Fe sampler?
John: Just go look on the C/Fe homepage,  I will say the three tracks are exclusive to the sampler and I have no intention of putting them on anything else.
Interviewer:  Anything else you’d like to add to this interview?
John:  You’re kind of a jerk for an interviewer.  Its not like I expect you to kiss my ass but some decency and organization would be appreciated.  Or maybe some thought out questions.  Don’t you have to have an English degree or something to do this job?
Interviewer:  Are…  Are you serious?  Okay fuck this.  I’m out.
John:  Is this how these things normally go?

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